Member-only story
A Fake Facebook’s Legal Case by a Teen Girl’s Testimony with Vulnerable and Expendible Verdict
Unfortunately, you will never hear this legitimate case with profound loss of women’s potential without criminal responsibility.
There are very few things I have seen, written or read that upset me more than this statement:
“The real reason that nobody cares … is even more depressing than what Facebook does. Nobody cares because Facebook mostly harms women and minorities … Who gets hit hardest by Instaculture? Women do. Young women, in particular. It literally makes them feel worthless. Facebook’s own evidence leaked, just a few weeks, ago, that young women were being traumatized by simply using Instagram.”
There will be some media hoop-la for a while, government inhouse discussions and probably many legal teams will debate recent disclosures about the harm evidenced against society, democracy and young girls where evidence shows 30% may have contemplated suicide to ease their depression of non-conformity to hyped adult standards. Some authorities may even say it is too premature to draw conclusions.
Stop and read again. What other demographic would demand an immediate crisis checkmate of incalculable proportions where 30% consider self harm or suicide as a solution to failing a self-directed status from a…