Are Natural Seeds More Precious Versus GMO Seeds Because of Phytonutrients?

Annemarie Berukoff
5 min readSep 4, 2020


When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself …. strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless and intelligence cannot be applied. Herophilus

What is inside Nature’s seed?

One of the best lesson plans that opened the eyes and minds of my 9 year-old students was to discover what is inside a seed. We used bean seeds because of their medium size and soaked them in water for 3 days to swell and soften. In a short time, a small stub of a root with hairs poked its way through one end. Carefully the seed would be opened to reveal the baby plant inside curled up so pale with tiny, clearly outlined leaves getting ready to take the job of growing up and producing a bean plant.

In fact, every seed from tiny poppy seeds to giant coconut seeds have three essential parts:

  1. a seed coat which protects them while they grow and develop, starting underground
  2. a baby plant or embryo
  3. cotyledons which store the food (endosperm) the baby plants use to grow before they can use sunlight to produce their own food.

What is inside a a GMO seed?

A genetically modified seed has been genetically engineered in a laboratory to create a new combination of plant, animal, bacteria, and/or virus genes that do not occur in nature.

So how is a GMO seed made?

  1. Shave off or chip off a tiny piece of the seed and grind it into a powder to analyze with genome-mapping technology.
  2. Shoot the genes’ DNA into the plant tissue to be modified by using “gene guns,” literally a .22-caliber gun.
  3. Create plant progenitor cells with the new DNA so when they are planted and pollinated they can advance into the next generation.

In my opinion, a problem can happen when the DNA of a bacterium or fungi can be injected into the seed’s chromosomes to duplicate an anti-herbicide genetic plant. Currently, transgenic crops produce soybeans, alfalfa, corn, cotton, spring canola, sugar beets and winter canola with GMO seeds that are modified to reduce pesticide and herbicide use.

But what happens when we eat the products of these plants, are we also ingesting genes from bacteria and fungi?

GMO is everywhere.

  • Animal products from livestock, apiculture, and aquaculture are exposed because of genetically engineered ingredients that are common in animal feed which includes eggs, milk, meat, honey, and seafood.
  • Processed food products may contain GMO derivatives like hydrolyzed vegetable protein, corn syrup, molasses, sucrose, flavorings, vitamins, yeast products, oils & fats, and other sweeteners.
  • It is estimated that more than 80% of all genetically modified crops grown worldwide have herbicide tolerance against weedkillers like Roundup. The herbicide glyphosate (the key ingredient in Roundup) “can probably cause cancer in humans.” ( World Health Organization, March 2015)
  • Genetically modified crops also produced resistant “super-weeds” and “super-bugs,” which can only be killed with ever more toxic poisons such as 2,4-D (a major ingredient in Agent Orange). Soil fertility may be affected with less micro-nutrients and bees may be poisoned by toxins on flowers … the seriousness of which cannot be overstated. Once released into the environment, these novel organisms cannot be recalled.

There are many reports that despite biotech industry promises, there is no evidence that any of the GMOs currently on the market offer increased yield, drought tolerance, enhanced nutrition, or any other consumer benefit. As well, the public needs to demand continuing research to study the long-term effects of synthetic nutrient absorption on human organs and biology dating back to the origins of Homo Sapiens.

What are Nature’s Phytonutrients?

A few years ago, I completed two-year online program as a Certified Nutritional Supplement Distributor with the International Institute for Clinical Nutrition. It was my first introduction to this phenomenal word “phytonutrients” which changed my world, and Mother Nature in her infinite abundance provides thousands of these phytochemicals, many of which still need scientific identification.

Phytonutrients are natural compounds or chemicals found in plant foods such as vegetables, fruit, whole grain products and legumes. These plant compounds have beneficial effects working with other essential nutrients to promote good health.

My mind was blown that any fruit or vegetable like an apple contains hundreds of phytochemicals, so why would I worry about eating a GMO apple that doesn’t turn brown when exposed to air because it may contain fish genes?

So many wonderful new words increased my language like flavonoids, quercetins, glucosinolates and more all in the compilation called bio — nutrition meaning that nature provides hundreds of the essential micro-nutrients in synergy to what the body needs to defend against oxidative stress and repair free radical damage, never just an isolated element like one manufactured vitamin C pill.

For example, if you are selling or buying ketchup, why try to advertise the buzzword lycopene as a powerful anti-oxidant phytochemical, when eating a whole tomato provides a full range of vitamins, minerals, co-factors, and enzymes that provide optimal synergy of hundreds of essential nutrients?

At the end, the question asked is biotechnology better than nature? The more you understand about the power of nature, the more you cannot underestimate it.

I would challenge any GMO seed to be compared to a simple small tomato seed about 3 mm in size. How is it even possible that all that nutrition is encased in such a tiny shape combined with soil micro-nutrients to grow such a natural masterpiece? Who will deny Nature’s infinite organization and natural affiliation to human bio-systems?

My brother Jim was an outstanding gardener in his backyard with organic waste from his fish pond applied to a small garden which grew enough tomatoes (as well as other products) to feed the neighborhood. He kept only heirloom seeds versus hybrids passed down for decades to grow identical crops. Nature deserves to keep its sovereign seeds.

He passed too soon before his work was finished, if it ever would be finished to his satisfaction, but he leaves a legacy of good deeds, achievements and memories to sustain generations.

This e-book Ecological Succession of Birchum Birch was written in his memory. 50% of the sales will be donated to a scholarship fund for students interested in environmental studies.

Questions and comments are always important and welcome … so much more can be shared.

Annemarie Berukoff

“It’s hard to imagine. What bothers me the most is how this people kind is stepping outside their selfish manufacturing Mega Plants to try and manipulate nature itself. Their laboratories now can modify the very essence of life; namely, Mother Nature’s precious seeds. They call them GMO seeds to try and improve on nature, can you imagine that? Different species can be spliced, or different chemicals can be injected so that a GMO seed can grow a GMO plant, like taller wheat grass or a juicier orange with fish skin to survive too much rain and rot. The reality is that many GMO seeds are engineered to only grow GMO crops that can resist the spraying of toxic weed killers and heritage seeds get replaced and lost.” excerpt Ecological Succession of Birchum Birch

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Annemarie Berukoff
Annemarie Berukoff

Written by Annemarie Berukoff

Retired teacher — Affiliate Marketer, Big Picture Wisdom, author 4 e-books: social media teens, eco-fiction ecology

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