Photo by Max Kleinen on Unsplash

Member-only story

Ode to a Chance Encounter with a Wolf Spider in My Shoe

Annemarie Berukoff


These shabby running shoes stood unworn on the porch

While strappy summer sandals were satisfactory footwear.

So, one afternoon duties called for autumn clean-up

And time to slip into the well-worn comfort of old shoes,

Noticing a hazy mess of webbing inside the shadows,

That had to be removed with a stick; when, suddenly,

A large wolf spider dashed out in dramatic self-defense.

The scream scared him back; no further probing or shaking

Could bring him out where no foot would dare to enter.

But here I sit and ponder what kind of smart wolf spider

Would build his web inside the musty confines of a shoe …

Anticipating what insects would fly by or a centipede venture?

And so, I think what person may be enclosed in a situation

With few opportunities to engage and exult in abundance?

Annemarie Berukoff



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