From seed to seedling to young plant, eager leaves facing sun,
Beginning roots transplanted into new soil to grow tall
And worthy to fulfill the promise of ripe, juicy tomatoes;
But it took one glaring half-moon’s frosty breath minus one degree
To turn its plant cells into ice crystals and disrupt life’s flow
To lie ragged on the dirt, the fruit of frozen dreams forgotten.
The natural world has a heartbeat, a pulse, a self-preservation
To connect for common survival set at a seasonal default
Blamelessly disrupted by weather and climate extremes.
So how do people prepare for life’s inevitable setbacks
Believing their right practice and skills will make it work out?
No room for wasted time for shame or blame or recriminations,
Try again, knowing that Nature is not luck but a key ally
Beyond Fate behaving as she is allowed to be … do not forget this!
Annemarie Berukoff