Young Douglas Fir Seed Cone…author’s photo

Ode to Seeds and Mountain Constitution

For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others ~ Nelson Mandela

2 min readJul 4, 2024


To grow a fir tree starts with a cone with bracts around a central axis,

Opening and closing, protecting seeds to pollinate with wind-borne dispersal

Over time to grow into a giant 100 foot tall tree in a forest population

Of coniferous species of pines, hemlocks, spruces…black, blue, and yellow,

Mingling with mixed deciduous golden larches and tamaracks in the fall.

A forest grows supported on a mountain as their natural constitution

To have their space for youth to live, produce, share and age.

But what about how we people can grow seeds of hope for justice and peace

To find that time-proven vernacular mountain of equality and freedom?

So many cones hang by … elongated, ovoid and globular to pollinate



Retired teacher — Affiliate Marketer, Big Picture Wisdom, author 4 e-books: social media teens, eco-fiction ecology