Sabrina Eickhoff from Pixabay

The Infamy of Children’s Books as Any Active Political Propaganda with the Big Question

We must resist the tendency to place all hope on the shoulders of one mythologized leader and instead promote the power of the collective voices and actions of “ordinary” people to challenge injustice, improve lives, and bring about a better future. Social Justice Books


Once in a rare while I must write a story because all my faculties have been put on the highest alert. My educational psychology about children’s cognitive development is crashing headfirst into a twitter post. It was advertising books for children on the topic of former president Trump who is still actively engaged in running for government again. This red flag is blowing fiercely in the storm of brainwashing impressionable children, questioning morality and democracy. The Big Question is what can we do about it?

First, some common terms to put us on the same page:

A dictatorship is a form of government characterized by a single leader or group of leaders and little or no toleration for political pluralism or independent media … Wikipedia

Propaganda is communication primarily used to influence an audience and further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts in order to encourage a particular emotional perception … Wikipedia

Brainwashing is a systematic effort to persuade people to accept a certain allegiance or doctrine ... Britannica

Infamy is an evil reputation brought about by something grossly shocking or extreme and publicly known or evil act. Merriam-Webster

In my opinion, there is nothing of greater infamy than brainwashing innocent minds or intellectually abusing children to gain precedence over their lifetime for political agenda or gain … NOTHING!

Children should never be manipulated against their cognitive development or knowledge base for political propaganda … NEVER

For example, let’s take American politics in the last four years transitioning from one election to reelection of a new…



Annemarie Berukoff

Retired teacher — Affiliate Marketer, Big Picture Wisdom, author 4 e-books: social media teens, eco-fiction ecology