Photo by Sierra Koder on Unsplash

The Tragedy of Teen Girls, Blindsided and Dumb, to Social Media Alarm Bells But What Can We Do

If someone was literally hurting your kids — or making them hurt each other, even if they didn’t want to — what would you do? That is exactly what is happening here. Social Media is Destroying a Generation of Young People, Especially Women

Annemarie Berukoff
4 min readSep 19, 2021


Once again, the public is paying attention to frantic red flags while the sirens are wailing about the attack of social media against teenage girls in particular. Alarm bells are sounding again for parents and psychologists even though they have heard about this effect of too much internet interaction with the Selfie mindset since 2009 when Selfies became the norm and young girls began a competitive ritual to be the most liked, the hottest, the sexiest. The powers that set the algorithm early was to appeal to the male adult gaze.

Hear the newest public commentators below.

The tragic reality is that for the first time society is now paying the price for a generation of young women who have been objectified, scarred, under the pressure to play the game confirming to the hypersexualized beauty standards on Social Media. Hence, the ideal…



Annemarie Berukoff

Retired teacher — Affiliate Marketer, Big Picture Wisdom, author 4 e-books: social media teens, eco-fiction ecology