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Young Woman’s Facebook’s Fake Testimony with Wise Judge’s 2 Judgements re Personal Timeline

“When you have something to say, silence is a lie.” Jordan Peterson

Annemarie Berukoff
6 min readOct 28, 2021


As predicted, the media storm has died down about Frances Haugen’s explosive research about Facebook’s directives that have impacted social division, even infringing on democratic rule, and bullied and demoralized teen girls. Defensively, Facebook has reacted with no apology and claims of doing good work. Why should it with a net profit of more than 10 billion dollars in one quarter with happy investors who are happy when stocks take a hit only to recover? Therefore, Big Tech money continues to flow drowning out teen girls cries of despair and even suicidal ideation common to 30% of young teens failing to meet unrealistic adult-rated objective standards.

This is a horrific, absolute unaccountable tragedy!

Our society will be judged by history as a tragic time when teens forfeited their innocence, misconstrued normal social rites of passage, sabotaged their wellbeing and futures to satisfy the demands of a powerful profitable patriarchy.

Haugens testified, “I’m saddest when I look on Twitter and people blame the parents for these problems with Facebook. They say, ‘Just take your kid’s phone away.’ But the…



Annemarie Berukoff

Retired teacher — Affiliate Marketer, Big Picture Wisdom, author 4 e-books: social media teens, eco-fiction ecology