Today, I’ll check out under-the-sink recesses,
Peer into curious cubicles, pull all knobs, no messes;
Pudgy hands, busy feet, finger paint here, point there,
Wide eyes full of wonder; stop, touch and stare;
Beyond steps, explore, discover … learning
How laps, hugs and soft whispers help healing.
What’s this? Help me, Mommy. Hold me, Mommy.
An angel’s face in a halo of curls, sleeping peacefully.
Little girl, I wish I could watch you forever as you are,
But that’s not fair, to limit the worthiness of your star
Under a mother’s arm that must gently push you away
To morph from child to an innocent teen girl’s way
To explore, discover; learn the recesses and rites of adults,
To be unique, confident and worthy of your personal truths,
To be the joyous, graceful, loving woman you were meant to be
Without hype, selfies, social media impositions and vanity.
Annemarie Berukoff
Index for Timely Tale for Teen Girls, Struggles, Regrets and Survival on Social Media
Bittersweet Odes When Normal is Enigma by Annemarie Berukoff