Butterflies can’t see their wings how truly beautiful they are. Anonymous
“How ugly,” he smirked at her exposed breast and raggle-taggle feathers,
“That’s not true,” I snapped back irate at a passing quick judgement …
“A swarming incident hurt her but not her responsibilities.”
But let me tell you some of the ugly truths in our sad sick world:
Ugly guns legalized for young men to slaughter innocent students,
Ugly war missiles from evil men to slaughter families in parks,
Ugly killing wildfires, heat waves, floods and hurricanes,
Ugly no-fault divorces, legal gamesmanship and broken children,
Ugly morality police kill a woman, unscarfed, with religious fervor,
Ugly prejudicial bigotry, ugly porn ogling, ugly cults,
Ignominious huckster politicians trend disinformation,
Ugly diseases lock up social rights with discriminatory officialdom.
My sweet chicken is a wonder of grace, survival and true beauty
Of a hopeful happy good morning reminder against so much Ugliness.
Annemarie Berukoff
Read more about this special chicken’s story